Also curious how high specialization Layer 2 builds can position themselves to combat field concern that machine learning "[incorporates] fundamentally flawed conception of language and knowledge into our technology" (re: Noam Chomsky's "The False Promise of ChatGPT" in 3/8/23 NYT)

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Love how you broke this down - definitely excited to see where Layer 2 winners emerge, particularly with SaaS customer service. Foreseeing interesting case studies re: buy vs. build

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100% agree with everything said here. Especially picks and shovels. It's actually something I've been trying to do with Evoke: https://evoke-app.com/

Essentially hosting open source AI models on the cloud for devs and businesses building AI apps

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thanks for this, i'm not 100% about the value on layer 2, it does no take much to fine tune generative AI, it is not machine learning where you neet super large datasets, mostly finetuning help you bring consistency as the underlyning AI model aready know how to do staff, so you may expect high level of competition also there

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